We have worked hard to make this training platform highly accessible by offering it at a very attractive price point. Owners with larger portfolios will receive a modest 'volume discount' based on the number of properties onboarded at the onset of the subscription period.
Every employee will have access to their transcript, providing a detailed listing of all of their completed courses over time. And managers will have the ability to monitor their staff's progress in achieving their training goals.
If your typical property has more than two staff persons, please contact us as pricing will be adjusted based on the actual number of employees onsite. The pricing below assumes no more than 2 learners at a property. *
<10 Properties $499 /year per property
10-49 Properties $489 /year per property
50-99 Properties $479 /year per property
>100 Properties $469 /year per property
A one-time setup fee will be incurred to establish your properties within the system and onboard the initial users. Please contact us for a customized price estimate specific to the size of your portfolio.
* Price per property assumes no more than 2 learners -- pricing per property is adjusted based on the actual number of learners